Large 4 Cubic foot bag
SKU #: 6304
Amount needed for approximately 100 SF of standard 8" cinder block is 7 bags. Each bag fills up to 17 blocks.
Shipping: Shipped by UPS Ground or 3 Day
Description: Perlite loose fill masonry insulation is an inert volcanic rock expanded by a special heat process and is often treated with water repellent material. The resulting granular product is lightweight with countless tiny, sealed air cells, which account for its excellent thermal performance and fire resistance. Perlite insulation has been proven over a period of many years in the insulation of storage tanks for liquid gases at temperatures as low as -40 °F (-24 °C).
INSULATING - Reductions in heat transmission of masonry walls of 50% or more may be obtained with perlite loose fill insulation.
PERMANENT - Perlite is
an inorganic, naturally occurring mineral and it is as permanent as the walls which contain it. It supports
its own weight and will not settle or bridge.
WATER REPELLENT - The nonflammable water repellent
treatment significantly improves low water retention properties of perlite.
SOUND REDUCTION - Perlite loose-fill insulation has the ability to fill all voids, mortar lines, and ear holes thus enabling it to reduce airborne sound transmission through walls. Lightweight 8 in. (20 cm) masonry block filled with perlite achieves an STC of 51 which exceeds HUD sound transmission standards.
ECONOMICAL - Perlite loose-fill masonry insulation offers excellent thermal and fire resistant properties at an economical cost. It is lightweight and pours easily and quickly without requiring special equipment or skills